Regional revitalization project (Regional revitalization challenge grant project)

In order to rectify regional disparities, we implemented the "Regeneration Project" aiming to solve and revitalize regional issues. In response to this project, Hokkaido received the "Regional Revitalization Challenge Grant" and "Regional Development Comprehensive Grant (Regional Revitalization Acceleration Project)" support.

Contents of the project

For the two years in FY2008 and FY2009, we aimed for environmental improvement as a resort and improvement of acceptance system (rule making) by "Niseko resort environment construction project". It is mainly composed of sub-city plan formulation project and central urban landscape creation (planting) business.
On the other hand, from Hokkaido, we received grant support of 7.7 million yen in FY 2008 and 3.7 million yen in FY 2009.
Details of the project are as follows.

FY2008, FY2009


In addition, in FY2010, the "Niseko Tourism Revitalization Acceleration Project" promoted an aggressive economy (sightseeing) including tourism promotion activities, the improvement of tourism acceptance system that became a collective townspeople, and an increase in the number of guests We aimed to increase residential income. .
On the other hand, we received grant support of 10 million yen from Hokkaido.
Details of the project are as follows.

Contents of grant system

It is a system in which Hokkaido carries out financial support etc. for the local government's own project.

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Niseko Town Hall