Template download
- Invoice for family register
- Certificate of juminhyo (certificate of residence) certificate
- Seal seal registration certificate invoice
- Transfer Notice
- Transfer Notification Form (Foreigner)
- Proof on income and taxation
- Proof on tax payment
- Proof on property tax
- Notification form concerning special collection of resident's tax salary
Living & Environment
- Building confirmation application, building construction notification, building removal notification
- Construction Recycling Law
- Niseko Town Landscape Ordinance
- Application for certification in the landscape district
- Niseko Town Housing Energy Conservation Repair Work Promotion Subsidy Project
Raising Children・ Education
Yoji Centre
- Application for certification of payment of education and childcare benefits for children and application for admission (garden)
- Notification of current status of payment of education and childcare benefits for children
- Application for change of education / childcare benefit payment authorization for children
- Job Application Form (for Yoji Centre)
- Petition to the effect that childcare is required
- Childcare leave certificate
- Children's Hall Usage Application Form
- Notification of cancellation of use of the Children's Hall
- Job application (for children's hall)
- Petition (if employment contract is expected)
- Employment certificate (employer and self-employed (sole proprietor))
- Agricultural worker certificate / Agricultural worker farming base survey
Disaster Prevention and Safety
Inquiries regarding information on this page
- Niseko Town Hall
- TEL:0136-44-2121
- FAX:0136-44-3500