Donation Usage
The donation received from everyone is managed as an important property of the town as the "Niseko Town Hometown Development Fund" and is used effectively. Here is an update on the status of donations.
Year used | Business utilization | Utilization amount |
FY 2007 | · Takeshi Arishima farm liberation memorial replica making for saving hanging scrolls | 200,000 yen |
FY 2009 | · Planting at Soga Forest Park | 299,250 yen |
FY 2012 | · Takeshi Arishima's autographed manuscript · Handwritten signature work collection · Collection of letters addressed to Takeo Arishima | 2,550,000 yen |
FY 2013 | · Collection of handwriting width of Arishima Takeo | 200,000 yen |
FY 2015 | · Collection of handwritten letters of Arishima Takeo | 250,000 yen |
FY 2016 | · Takehiro Arishima Project contribution ・Niseko Yoji Centre wooden playground equipment | 1,050,000 yen 1,929,960 yen |
FY 2017 | ・ Arishima Takeo Memorial Museum Screening System ・ Improvement of sound equipment, activity clothes for boy firefighting clubs, equipment for Niseko children's hall, rental skis for infants, equipment for music activities for Niseko Junior High School | 678,240 yen 1,469,824 yen |
FY 2018 | ・ Support for self-cutting forestry ・ Forest (water source) acquisition ・ Arishima wooden road restoration and maintenance ・ Sakuragaoka Park alien species removal ・ Stairs maintenance ・ Twin cherry tree restoration project ・ New government building new energy, energy saving introduction (fund accumulation) ・ Arishima / Kida Project ・ Maintenance of townsman center equipment ・ Winter sports activity support project ・ Citizen pool environment improvement project ・ Kondo Elementary School equipment maintenance ・ Equipment for elementary school rice experience ・ Shonen Fire Club Activity Clothing ・ Niseko Halloween ・ Town planting ・ Play event business ・ Railway cultural property diffusion exhibition and maintenance business ・ Return donations, office work, etc. | 560,000 yen 1,235,000 yen 3,180,000 yen 1,836,000 yen 649,750 yen 7,000,000 yen 1,950,000 yen 400,000 yen 1,692,196 yen 7,900,000 yen 600,000 yen 100,000 yen 35,000 yen 1,800,000 yen 1,000,000 yen 3,840,365 yen |
2019 degree | ・Self-cutting forestry support project ・Sakuragaoka Park management maintenance business (Katakuri colony conservation) ・Oldness and view point (cherry tree) successor upbringing business ・Railway heritage group conservation project ・Arishima work collection business ・Town development support business subsidy ・Central warehouse group support fan club business ・Niseko Elementary School environment improvement project (bar installation) ・Kondo elementary school environment improvement project (unicycle purchase, etc.) ・Niseko High School Environmental Improvement Project (distillers, etc.) ・Niseko High School Overseas Agriculture/Tourism Training Dispatch Subsidy ・Book start business ・Children's association establishment management business subsidy ・Niseko Kids Park Business Subsidy ・Niseko athlete support business ・Introducing an app for promoting waste separation and ecological activities ・Supporting mutual transportation equipment (Fukui district friendship) ・ Niseko Town town development 120 years history production ・Japan Landscape Road University Niseko Yotei Campus Implementation Project ・ Return donations, office work, etc. | 200,000 yen 1,650,000 yen 150,000 yen 1,000,000 yen 400,000 yen 100,000 yen 200,000 yen 300,000 yen 500,000 yen 600,000 yen 150,000 yen 50,000 yen 200,000 yen 50,000 yen 1,200,000 yen 200,000 yen 150,000 yen 1,900,000 yen 1,000,000 yen 6,000,000 yen |
FY 2020 | ・ふるさと眺望点後継樹育成 ・アンヌプリ森林公園施設補修 ・桜ヶ丘公園管理(カタクリ群生地保全) ・まちづくりサポート事業 ・幼児センター環境改善事業(テーブル購入等) ・小学校環境改善事業(教材購入等) ・中学校環境改善事業(図書購入等) ・ニセコ高校環境改善事業(タブレット購入等) ・あそぶっく環境改善事業(図書購入等) ・Book start business ・長期休日子ども預かり委託事業 ・子どもスポーツ推進受講料 ・公営塾活動経費 ・有島記念館キッズコーナー整備事業 ・ごみ分別エコ活動促進アプリ導入(英語対応導入) ・防災マップ整備事業 ・新栽培技術導入事業 ・観光PR推進事業 ・テレワーク施設環境改善事業 ・開町120年事業 ・寄付金返礼事業 | 100,000 yen 200,000 yen 900,000円 100,000 yen 600,000 yen 2,900,000円 100,000 yen 700,000円 2,400,000円 100,000 yen 900,000円 600,000 yen 400,000 yen 800,000円 100,000 yen 700,000円 1,700,000円 200,000 yen 200,000 yen 1,700,000円 7,600,000円 |
FY 2021 | 桜ヶ丘公園管理(カタクリ群生地保全、樹木調査業務) 有島記念館環境改善事業(備品購入) 鉄道遺産群保全事業 第41回七夕の夕べ花火大会事業 幼児センター環境改善事業(午睡ベッド、ベビーカー等購入) 小学校環境改善事業(バス停看板、プロジェクター等購入) 中学校環境改善事業(折りたたみテーブル購入等) ニセコ高校環境整備事業(AED、図書備品購入等) ニセコこども館備品整備事業 学習交流センター図書整備事業 子どもスポーツ推進事業 建築ガイドライン策定事業(建築ガイドライン策定調査) 水稲密苗栽培技術導入支援事業 開町120年記念事業(記念映像作成、記念誌作成) 寄付金返礼事業 | 2,200,000円 100,000 yen 2,300,000円 800,000円 1,000,000 yen 1,150,000円 400,000 yen 1,100,000円 200,000 yen 2,300,000円 600,000 yen 1,700,000円 1,100,000円 2,750,000円 15,850,000円 |
FY2015 Takeo Arishima Handwritten Letter

These materials related to Takeo Arishima are released at special exhibitions etc. after appropriate preservation processing and investigation at Arishima Takeo Memorial Museum.
Information such as special exhibitions at Arishima Takeo Memorial Museum is introduced on the following page.
Information such as special exhibitions at Arishima Takeo Memorial Museum is introduced on the following page.
2016 Early Yoji Centre Wooden Playground Equipment Maintenance

We used the wood to install play equipment such as wooden blocks and music boxes so that children attending Yoji Centre can play with wood.
Among them, wooden block play equipment called coupla can stack small boards, make buildings, vehicles, animals etc, children are playing happily.
With this plaything, I think that it can be expected to nurture various strengths such as creativity, concentration, communication skills, and we think that it will be useful for the growth of children.
For more details, please see Koho Niseko Newsletter February 2017 issue.
Among them, wooden block play equipment called coupla can stack small boards, make buildings, vehicles, animals etc, children are playing happily.
With this plaything, I think that it can be expected to nurture various strengths such as creativity, concentration, communication skills, and we think that it will be useful for the growth of children.
For more details, please see Koho Niseko Newsletter February 2017 issue.
2017 boys fire prevention club activity clothes
In the Boys Fire Club, club members of boys and girls in elementary school fifth and sixth graders conducted activities to prevent fires in Niseko Town, and learned how to conduct fire drills and simple first aid measures. Thanks to the same full-fledged activity clothes as adults, feelings are tightened and the activity becomes more enthusiasm.
The completion ceremony for 2018 is published in a public relations magazine.
The completion ceremony for 2018 is published in a public relations magazine.
- Koho Niseko Newsletter March 2019 issue(PDF format: 3 MB)
2018 Sakuragaoka Park stairs maintenance
Sakuragaoka Park, located in front of Niseko Station, is dyed in a pale purple color along with Ezoengosaku from the end of April to the beginning of May. Many people, including tourists and locals, come to take a walk or take pictures at Golden Week, which is the best time to visit every year. In the future, we have improved the stairs and benches so that more and more people can enjoy this park.
令和元年度 ニセコアスリート応援事業
令和2年度 新栽培技術導入事業
今回、ふるさと納税の返礼品でもお馴染みの「純米大吟醸 ニセコ蔵人衆」の生産団体への水稲密苗播種機1台の導入とニセコ町に新規作物として「にんにく」を導入するべく播種機1台の購入に活用させていただきました。
今回、ふるさと納税の返礼品でもお馴染みの「純米大吟醸 ニセコ蔵人衆」の生産団体への水稲密苗播種機1台の導入とニセコ町に新規作物として「にんにく」を導入するべく播種機1台の購入に活用させていただきました。

Inquiries regarding information on this page
- Planning & Environment Division, Business Planning Division
- TEL:0136-44-2121
- FAX:0136-44-3500