Niseko Town School Evaluations

Evaluation efforts based on school evaluation guidelines

The Town's Board of Education created the "Niseko Town School Evaluation Guidelines" in 2012, and has been conducting school evaluations based on these guidelines at the Early Childhood Center, Niseko Elementary School, Kondo Elementary School, Niseko Junior High School, and Niseko High School since 2013. Schools in the town, from the Early Childhood Center to the high school, are working together in the evaluation process and setting common priority goals for the town of Niseko.
Guidelines and School Evaluation Committee Report (2013-2016)

Participation of community school committees in school evaluations

In 2007, a school management council was established for all schools and parks in the town and a community school was set up. The Community School Committee participates in the evaluation of school officials and is working on school evaluation methods. We will inform you about the status of new school evaluation efforts in the community school activities public relations.

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