Family support Center 

Family Support CenterEfforts to support child-rearing with local residents
Parenting[Those who want help]When[Supporters who want to support]Becomes a member and volunteers to take care of children and pick them up.


Scenes that are expected to be used

  • Pick-up and drop-off to Kindergarten, children's centers, etc.
  • Temporary custody when going out or urgently needed
  • Custody at the time of illness or recovery from illness

People who can become members

  • 利用会員 ニセコ町民で、乳幼児から小学生までの子どものいる家庭
  • 協力会員(サポーター) 18歳以上で心身ともに健康で、所定の研修を受講した方(町外の方も活躍いただけます)

Operating hours, usage fees, etc.


Please contact us for more information.

Contact Information

Manmajo Co., Ltd. (consigned from Niseko Town)
電話 0136-55-8524(Weekdays 9 am-5pm)
メール famisapomanage〇
* Please change "○" to "@" when sending an email.
(The above display is used to prevent junk mail)

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Children's Future Division