Child support allowance


People who can receive benefits

  1. 父母が離婚した後、父又は母と生計を同じくしていない児童
  2. 父又は母が死亡した児童
  3. 父又は母が重度の障害(国民年金の障害等級1級相当)にある児童
  4. 父又は母の生死が明らかでない児童
  5. 父又は母から引き続き1年以上遺棄されている児童
  6. 父又は母が引き続き1年以上拘禁されている児童
  7. Child whose mother was born without marriage
  8. Children who are unknown to both parents

Required for application

Certification questionnaire
Copy of family register or juminhyo (certificate of residence) whole family

People who can not receive benefits

A child

  1. When there is no address in Japan
  2. 父又は母の死亡について支給される公的年金の加算の対象となっているとき
  3. 父又は母に支給される公的年金の加算の対象となっているとき
  4. When you can receive compensation for bereaved families under the provisions of the Labor Standards Act etc
  5. When being entrusted to a child welfare facility or foster carer
  6. 父又は母の配偶者(内縁関係を含む)に養育されているとき(父又は母が重度の障害にある場合を除く)


  1. When there is no address in Japan
  2. When you can receive a public pension (excluding the old-age welfare pension under the National Pension Act)
  3. When we failed to claim even if five years have elapsed since it fulfilled the requirement's payment requirement after August 1, 1985

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Health and Welfare Section