Birth / death registration

In Japan, people are required to register births and deaths under the Family Registration Act. Foreign residents in Japan are also required to register births and deaths in Japan in accordance with the rules of the Family Registration Act. It is a requirement of Law to register all childbirths, deaths, marriages and divorces.

When a baby is born

 Notification periodDocuments required
Birth notificationWithin 14 days of birthBirth certificate issued by the doctor or midwife, maternal and child health handbook and seal or signature of the person who notifies the birth Parents' residency cards and passports (for foreign residents)

In the event of a death

 Notification periodDocuments required
Death notificationWithin 7 days of deathDeath certificate issued by the doctor, and seal or signature of the person who registers the death

At marriage

 Notification periodDocuments required
Marriage notificationWhen applicableMarriage notification and seals of husband and wife, extract of family register (for Japanese citizens only), certificate of marriage eligibility issued by the foreign resident's embassy or consulate and its translation (with the translator's signature) Passport 

At divorce

 Notification periodDocuments required
Divorce notificationWhen applicableDivorce notification and seals of husband and wife Copy of family register (when reported in an area other than the legal domicile, for Japanese citizens only)


Seal and identification registration, birth / death registration-related inquiries

Niseko Town Council Tel. 0136-44-2121 Citizen's Section, Citizen's Life Division. Hours: 8:30AM-5:15PM (seven days a week) Weekdays: Citizen's Life Division counter Holidays: Office on duty of the Town Council

Medical service-related inquiries

Niseko Town Council Tel. 0136-44-2121 Health and Medical Service Section, Health and Welfare Division

Inquiries in English

Niseko Town Council Tel. 0136-44-2121 Planning and Environment Division

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Niseko Town Hall