Climate emergency declaration

2050 Co2 emissions are virtually zero (Niseko Town Climate Emergency Declaration)


2020.7.21 Mayor declares climate emergency in Niseko Town

In recent years, global warming has progressed rapidly and many serious weather disasters have occurred. Regarding the greenhouse gas, which is a major factor in this, a special report released by the IPCC (UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 2018 stated that "To ensure the temperature does not rise by 2 degrees, but by 1.5 degrees which is a lesser risk, it is necessary to reduce emissions to virtually zero by 2050."
To achieve these goals, Niseko Town also announced in July 2020 (2020) that it would be necessary to fully recognize that climate change is in a critical situation, and then by 2050 we have announced that we aim to achieve virtually zero carbon emissions (zero carbon).
Going forward, we will consider and implement initiatives from both the perspectives of mitigation, which curbs greenhouse gas emissions, and adaptation, which addresses the effects of climate change that are already occurring or may occur, and adjusts the way nature and society should be.
* You can download it below "Niseko Town Climate Emergency Declaration"

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Planning Environment Division Eco-Model City Promotion Section