Niseko Town Suicide Countermeasure Plan

Japan's suicide countermeasures are based on the Basic Act on Suicide Countermeasures enacted in 2006 (Heisei 18).
We have made great strides. Suicide, which had been regarded as an "individual problem" until then, has become widely recognized as a "social problem", and as a result of comprehensive promotion of suicide countermeasures nationwide, the annual transition of suicides has decreased. I've been doing it.
しかし、依然として自殺者は年間2万人を超え、北海道においても毎年900 人余りの方が自ら尊い命を絶つという深刻な事態が続いています。

Under such circumstances, in order to promote suicide countermeasures more comprehensively and effectively with the aim of realizing a "society in which no one is forced to commit suicide," suicide countermeasures were taken in 2016 (Heisei 28), which is the 10th anniversary of the enforcement. The basic law has been revised. In addition to clearly stating that suicide countermeasures should be implemented as "comprehensive support for living," the prefectures and prefectures and prefectures and prefectures and prefectures should eliminate regional disparities in suicide countermeasures so that everyone can receive equal support. Municipalities have decided to formulate a suicide countermeasure plan.
Based on these backgrounds, we Niseko Town Suicide Countermeasure Plan" and comprehensively promote suicide countermeasures.

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