Standing committee

Standing committee work

Niseko Town in Congress, and more professional to investigate the office of work, etc., are installed two of the Standing Committee in order to deliberate, lawmakers and activities belong to any of the committee.
nameconstantMajor tasks in charge
General affairs5About staff
Things concerning the finances of the town
Tax concerning towns
About town property
About traffic safety
Affairs related to administrative information, administrative improvement
About the comprehensive plan of the town
About public relations broad hearing
Regarding family register etc.
Concerning environmental sanitation
Things related to health and sanitation
Social welfare matters
About national health insurance, elderly health care, long-term care insurance
Thing about Kindergarten
About the Board of Education
Industrial construction5Commerce and industry, something about tourism
Concerning the maintenance of town road
About public housing
Things about water supply and sewerage
Regarding training and securing agricultural workers
Enforced on May 1, 2007

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Niseko Town Parliament Secretariat