Niseko Town Budget

Niseko Town budget is based on the provisions of Article 41 of the Basic Regulations on Town Development (Budget Formulation), and strives to provide easier-to-understand budget information and disclose the process of compiling the budget.
For budget summary of individual projects, please see the brochure "Early May Every May" distributed to each household in the neighborhood "This year's work I want to know more".
Please see the following documents for the flow of Niseko Town until the budget is created.

Publication of budget compilation process

The schedule may change suddenly. As a precaution, it is safe to check the latest information on the phone or website in advance.
■場所/役場2階 災害対策室1・2
Budget formulation policy briefing session令和6年11月1日(金) 10時00分~町民センター1階 大ホール
Budget hearing schedule令和5年12月19日(火)~12月29日(金)(日にちにより時間が変動しますので、下記PDFをご確認ください)
ニセコ町役場2階 災害対策室1・2

Budget related material

Description of material
・予算編成方針  予算編成にあたっての情勢分析、編成方針(11月上旬頃公表)
・予算の概要   予算の概要、特徴、財源調整等を掲載(2月下旬頃公表)
・予算に関する参考資料  各会計予算書の補助説明資料

Reiwa 6th year

Budgeting policy

Outline of the supplementary budget


Outline of the supplementary budget

2022 degree

Budgeting policy

Budget hearing

Outline of the supplementary budget

2021 degree

Budgeting policy

Budget hearing

Outline of the supplementary budget

2020 degree

Budgeting policy

Budget hearing

Outline of the supplementary budget

2019 degree

Budgeting policy

Budget hearing material

Outline of the supplementary budget

Heisei 30

Budgeting policy

Budget hearing material

Outline of the supplementary budget

Heisei 29

Budgeting policy

Outline of the supplementary budget

Heisei 28

Budgeting policy

Budget hearing material

Budget hearing material

Outline of the supplementary budget

Heisei 20

Budgeting policy

Budget hearing material

Outline of the supplementary budget

Heisei 20

Budget hearing material

Heisei 20

TEL 0136-44-2121