2016 Niseko Town parliamentary proceedings
March 1st 28 years Niseko Town parliament extraordinary session
- January 25, Heisei 28 (Monday)(PDF format: 731 KB)
2016 2nd Niseko Town Parliament regular meeting
- No. 1 March 8, Tuesday, March 28,(PDF format: 1 MB)
- No. 2 Wednesday, March 9,(PDF format: 1 MB)
- No. 3 Monday, March 14, Heisei 28 (Monday)(PDF format: 1 MB)
- No. 4 March 15 (Tuesday) Heisei 28(PDF format: 818KB)
- First to third budget special committee(PDF format: 1 MB)
March 3rd 28 years Niseko Town parliament extraordinary session
- Wednesday, March 30, Heisei 28(PDF format: 853 KB)
March 4th 28 years Niseko Town parliament extraordinary session
- May 16, Heisei 28 (Monday)(PDF format: 850 KB)
2016 5th Niseko Town Parliament regular meeting
- The 1st issue Friday, June 17, 28(PDF format: 1 MB)
- No. 2 Thursday, June 23rd, Heisei 28(PDF format: 1 MB)
2016 6th Niseko Town Parliament regular meeting
- No. 1 Thursday, September 8, 2008(PDF format: 1 MB)
- No. 2 September 14 (Wednesday), Heisei 28(PDF format: 1 MB)
2016 7th Niseko Town parliament extraordinary session
- Wednesday, October 26, 2008(PDF format: 693 KB)
March 8th 28 years Niseko Town Parliament regular meeting
- The first issue Wednesday, December 14,(PDF format: 1 MB)
- No. 2 December 20 (Tuesday) Heisei 20(PDF format: 1 MB)
Inquiries regarding information on this page
- Niseko Town Parliament Secretariat
- TEL:0136-44-2121
- FAX:0136-44-3500