Niseko Town Citizen Protection Plan

Niseko Town Citizen Protection Initiatives

According to the Civil Protection Law established in June 2004 (Laws Concerning Protection of Citizens in the Event of an Armed Attack), when an armed attack situation or the like occurs, local governments themselves will be responsible for the protection of citizens. They are responsible for implementing measures accurately and promptly, and comprehensively promoting measures for the protection of citizens implemented by related organizations.

Niseko Town Citizen Protection Plan


国民保護計画【令和5年(2023年)2月1日 更新】

Citizen Protection System

According to the law, the respective responsibilities of the country, prefecture and municipality levels are predetermined. In municipalities, the main responsibilities include "communicating and leading evacuation instructions", "cooperating to provide relief", "handling firefighting and emergency measures", amongst others.
Citizen Protection System

Relationship links between national and prefectural agencies

Inquiries regarding information on this page

General Affairs Division, Disaster Prevention Section