2022 budget hearing will be open to the public


In the town, we will open the budget hearing for the 2022 to everyone.
The budget hearing is to receive an explanation of the budget request contents from the department in charge and to hear the contents when preparing the budget of the town. Anyone can listen freely and no application is required, so please feel free to come and visit us.
Please note that the date and time of implementation and the departments are subject to change. As a precaution, it is safe to check the latest information in advance by telephone or website.
■ Place / Office 1st floor Multipurpose Halls 1 and 2
■ Schedule / Please check the schedule below
■ Application / Not required
■ Inquiries / Finance Section, General Affairs Division
     TEL 0136-44-2121
Person in charge = Shimazaki, Matsui, Kato

Inquiries regarding information on this page

General Affairs Section Finance Section