<For townspeople and their children only> We are recruiting Minikestra English Program Monitors.


Every year, we hold a concert in Niseko Town
Minichestra is a 5-piece professional orchestra team.
English communication, music, and SDGs education program sponsored by Minichestra.
We are looking for experience monitors!

In addition to experiencing English up close, you can also experience SDGs initiatives and music culture.
A global human resource development program that parents and children can enjoy together!
Everyone, please apply!

2-3 pairs of parents and children of elementary school students (middle to upper grades) living in Niseko Town
*It will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Participation in all programs is a condition.
*You are responsible for moving to each activity location by yourself.


Saturday, March 23rd Day 1
10:00-12:00 Activity 1: Snowshoe experience
13:00-16:00 Activity 2: Experience working on SDGs (Niseko climate, NIS-ECO project, etc.)
Sunday, March 24th Day 2
10:00-12:00 Activity 3: Recycled instrument production and music experience
13:00-16:00 Activity 4: Review and exchange of opinions throughout the entire program, minikestra concert

[how to apply]
Please apply from the tourism association homepage below.

【Contact Us】
電話: 0136-44-2468(ニセコリゾート観光協会)
Email: travel◆niseko-ta.jp Convert “◆” to “@”

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Commerce and Tourism Division Commerce and Tourism Section