Diversion of Article 4 of the Agricultural Land Act and diversion of Article 5
1. What is diversion of agricultural land
It is to convert agricultural land to land other than agricultural land such as houses and factories etc. building premises, material storage space, parking lot, road channel, mountain forest etc. In addition, it is diverted when you temporarily use it for material placement place or gravel sampling place etc
2. Permission for diversion of agricultural land
Diversion of agricultural land has "diversion of Article 4" not accompanied by movement of agricultural land rights and "diversion of Article 5" involving the transfer of rights of agricultural land, both of which must obtain permission of diversion. Also, if the agricultural land is designated as an agricultural area of the agricultural method, it is also necessary to apply for excluding from that area. (However, it may not be possible to exclude immediately depending on the timing of planning change plan of agricultural maintenance plan)
In our town, diversion below 4 hectares must be approved by Hokkaido Governor by the agricultural committee, diversion exceeding 4 hectares.
In our town, diversion below 4 hectares must be approved by Hokkaido Governor by the agricultural committee, diversion exceeding 4 hectares.
3. Flow from application to permission
(1) Consultation on application
(2) Fill in the application form and obtain necessary documents
(3) Application form submission / reception
(4) Review of application content · Field survey
(5) Advised the Hokkaido agricultural meeting after deliberation at the general meeting of the agricultural committee
(2) Fill in the application form and obtain necessary documents
(3) Application form submission / reception
- The application deadline is on the second Thursday of every month
(4) Review of application content · Field survey
(5) Advised the Hokkaido agricultural meeting after deliberation at the general meeting of the agricultural committee
- The annual meeting date is scheduled to be the fourth Thursday of every month
- The Hokkaido Agricultural Council Permanent Committee Meeting is scheduled to begin in the middle of the following month.
Four. Application form
- Submission of 2 copies of permission application Article 4 of the Agricultural Land Act
- Submission of 3 copies of License Application Article 5 of the Agricultural Land Act
- License application form 5 of the Farmland Law(PDF形式:186KB)
Note: If you have more than one applicant, add the number of copies
- Attached document
Five. Setting the standard processing period
6. Penalties for diversion
In case of diversion of agricultural land without permission or diversion as per the business plan concerning diversion permission, we will violate the farm land law, and there are cases where orders such as construction cancellation and restoration of the state are done in some cases . In addition, penalties apply.
- Violation diversion is up to 3 years imprisonment or fine of 3 million yen or less. A corporation is a fine of not more than 100 million yen
- Violation of the original state restoration order in violation of diversion is up to 3 years imprisonment or a fine of 3 million yen or less. A corporation is a fine of not more than 100 million yen
農地区分 | 農地区分の内容 | Permission standard |
農用地区域内農地 | 農業振興地域整備計画により農用地区域 としてニセコ町が定めた農地 | 原則不許可 |
1種農地 | 営農条件が良好な農地 おおむね10ha以上集団的な農地など | 原則不許可 |
2種農地 | 他の農地区分以外の農地 | 非農地、第3種農地に立地困難な場合等に許可 |
3種農地 | 市街地にある農地 | 原則許可 |
転用の確実性 | ・資力・信用があることが認められること ・転用行為の妨げとなる権利を有する人の同意を得ていること ・遅滞なく転用目的に供することが認めらること ・転用面積が必要最小限の適正な規模であること ・開発にあたって他法令の協議を了していること など |
被害防除措置 | ・土砂の流出、崩壊により被害を及ぼすおそれがないこと ・用排水施設の機能に支障を及ぼすおそれがないこと ・日照や通風等周辺農地の営農条件に支障を及ぼすおそれがないこと |
Inquiries regarding information on this page
- Niseko Town Agriculture Committee Farmland Section
- TEL:0136-44-2121
- FAX:0136-44-3500