
Barry Mernin(バリーマーニン)校長
担当:Mp3 出身:米国

1. Please tell me your career.
I am from the United States. I have a Master's degree in Mathematics Instruction from Walden University and received a leadership certificate from the Principal Training Centre. I have taught at Montgomery County Public School (1990), Singapore American School (2001), Canadian Academy in Kobe, Japan (2003). Hong Kong International School (2009) and International Academy Amman (2014) in Jordan. He has worked at the Hokkaido International School Niseko for 3 years.
2. Please tell me the differences between Japanese school education and the characteristics of this school.
It is not that our schools are superior to Japanese schools or not, we have different educational policies. I respect the Japanese educational system. We are satisfied with Niseko and I'm glad that I can work here. For this is because cultural exchanges with local schools and contacts with townspeople are more concentrated than other international schools. Also, there is a sense of trust in the support of the Niseko town office including the town mayor. We can proceed with the operation of the school with confidence.

3. Message to Niseko town residents.
One thing to say about this school is that we can learn in nature, Niseko is very mentally, physically, emotionally, healthy. I would like to make this school one of the more refined international elementary schools in all of Japan. This is my hope, but in the future, I wish to make this school a zero-emissions facility that does not require energy consumption. It is a difficult thing, but I think that it is time to act. I believe that it will lead to children's environmental education. Please visit us anytime. Cheer
1. 経歴を教えてください。


2. 日本の学校教育との相違点やこの学校の特徴を教えてください。
3. ニセコ町民にメッセージを

Merek Sinclair(メルク シンクレア)小学校教諭
担当:Mp1 出身:南オーストラリア

1. Career
I am from South Australia. As my older brother studied abroad, I went to Kansai Gaidai University for a year (2000). After graduating from Adorade University Graduate School, he worked as a Japanese assistant in the JET program called MIC and worked for three years in Sapporo. After that, his hobby is high, and as a professional of ballroom dance, he defines competitions and leaders. After an international school Sapporo school, now 6 years in Niseko.
2. What is the significance of the international school in Niseko town?
As foreigners immigrate this much, I think that having an international school in this area is very important.
3. Your daughter is attending an international school. What is the reason for it?
In other words, I would like to give my daughter education with a long-term perspective in English. In the short term, we also have the option of attending Niseko elementary school. However, as I experienced my daughter wants to go on to university in Australia in the future, I would like you to communicate with people in other countries as well. In order to acquire academic English ability in the future, I think that it is best to receive education at the international school.
4. What is the goodness of working in Niseko?
It is that ON and OFF are clear. As soon as work ends, there is private. Going to the city, you will be shaken for a crowded train for dozens of minutes, but here it is 5 minutes by car to the house and 15 minutes by ski resort.
1. 経歴
2. インターナショナルスクールがニセコ町にある意義は何だとお考えですか?
3. 娘さんがインターナショナルスクールに通われていますが、どのような理由によりますか?
4. ニセコで働くことの良さとは何ですか?

Lola Lai(ローラ ライ) 担当:EY、MP1&MP3音楽教師
出身:シンガポール 趣味:スノーボード、スキューバダイビング

1. Career
I've always wanted to live aboard and work with children and adults from a diversity of cultures. Japan has always been in the back of my head and after teaching and living in the hustle and bustle of Phnom Penh and Istanbul, I knew without a doubt that I was ready to move to the country, away from the metropolitan cities. Since Hokkaido is known for its beautiful landscapes and decadent food, I tried to apply to the HIS, which happened to be only Hokkaido International School.

2. What do you think is the characteristic of this school in Niseko Town?
Niseko, in my opinion has an incredibly unique dynamic of its own. So when you are a child growing up in such a culturally-diverse environment like Niseko, we are hopefully, providing an education that can help students thrive as ever-evolving global citizens.
HIS continue to embrace and advocate the values and significance of Reggio Emilia in their pedagogies especially in the Early Years.
1. 経歴

私は常々海外に住みたいと思っていて、多様な文化を持つ人たちと仕事をしたいと思っていました。頭の中のどこかにいつも日本があり、プノンペンとイスタンブールという大都会の喧騒の中で暮らした後、メトロポリタン都市から離れて、私は日本に間違いなく移住するであろうと思っていました。 北海道は美しい景観などで知られていたので、HISに申し込もうと思いました。趣味はスノーボード、スキューバダイビング。

2. ニセコ町におけるこの学校の特色は?


Yuuki Suzuki(鈴木祐紀) 担当:校長補佐 事務員

1. Please tell me the history of the teacher taking office at this school.
When HIS Niseko was opened, I had been in China and been interested in having my daughter keep to be involved in an international curriculum. At the timing to return to Japan in 2014, we chose HIS Niseko. I was one of parents first, then taught Japanese class about 2 years. My daughter has graduated from HIS Niseko and I'm working as an administrative assistant now. 
2. Please tell me the characteristics of this school.
(1) To offer an elementary curriculum in English(International Primary Curriculum). IPC
(2) School activity that we perform with Sapporo students, such as Sports Day, Overnight Trip in Jozankei and Concert at Kitara.
(3) Relationship with Niseko town's institutions. Ex.) Cultural exchange with elementary school; 1-2 times per a year. Monthly visit to Ohisama of Yoji-center and Asobook. Accepting the junior high school for their job experiences. Exchange with Niseko high school through the flower bed making.
1. 経歴
2. 学校の特色を教えてください。
(1) IPCカリキュラムを採用し、英語による初等教育を行っている点。
(2) 札幌校と一緒に行う運動会、定山渓キャンプ、KITARAでのコンサートなど学校行事
(3) ニセコ町内のさまざまな教育機関との関わり(小学校との文化交流、幼児センター、あそぶっく訪問、中学職業体験受入、高校花壇造営を通じた交流など)


中力 アニータ 美恵 担当:校長補佐、事務員 出身:京都

1. 経歴
2. 学校の特色

大谷 Susan 担当:ELL 出身:オーストラリア

1. Please tell me your career.
I grew up in Australia and studied Japanese.
I came to Japan to help my children learn about Japan.
I have been teaching English since 2000 in both Australia and Japan.
2. Please tell me the characteristics of this school.
International school teach independant learning and encourage students to think for themselves, students research topics rather than just listening to the teacher.
3. Message to Niseko town residents.
This school reflects the international population of niseko, despite niseko being a rural town in country Japan.
I hole, I and others at the school can help Japanese speakers learn English so they can become a part of the international community and expand their future prospect.
I would like all niseko residents to feel welcome at the school and not to be afraid of speaking English.
1. 経歴
2. HISの特徴は?
3. 町民へのメッセージ

キング かおり 担当:EY 出身:長崎県

1. Please tell me the history of the teacher taking office at this school.
 I am a qualified nurse in both Japan and Australia. Although I have no background in child education, I have developed a keen interest in young children’s education since my son began school at The Montessori School in Australia. When the previous EY assistant resigned due to the birth of her child, the school asked me if I could take the position - which I accepted.
2. Please tell me the characteristics of this school different from Japanese school education the teacher thinks.
 The EY class uses the Reggio Emilia Approach. The difference between this kindergarten and Japanese kindergarten is in their approach to preschool education. In Japanese kindergarten, the main focus is preparing the children for elementary school.
In HIS, the primary principles of the preschool education focus on preparing the environment such that each child can expand their ability by encouraging their individuality and natural curiosity.
 Niseko is a world famous tourist destination and has many long term foreign residents. The school plays an important role in not only providing an education in the English language, but also providing an option for the foreign residents of Niseko town.
1. 経歴
2. 学校の特色は?

