Public transportation

Trasportation in Niseko Town is comprised of train, bus and taxi services. See below for information on how to use the various types of transportation.

Train service, train station

The trains leave from two platforms and are bound for either Otaru / Sapporo or Oshamambe / Hakodate. A Further information is available on the JR website in Japanese and English.

Check your train on the electronic display and go to the platform. Ride your ticket to a station employee to get a stamp or pass through an automatic ticket gate. train to the destination station, and when you get off, give the ticket to a station employee or pass through an automatic ticket gate.


When using a taxi, raise your hand to flag the taxi company in advance and make the reservation. Recommendation, especially in the busier seasons of the year. town.

Niseko Taxi Tel. 0136-44-2635

Some drivers do not speak English, so speak slowly and clearly and if in doubt get a Japanese speaker to assist you.

Demand bus

What is a demand bus?

Passengers ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The bus will then take a route that is most convenient for everyone on board.

Operation details (fares, etc.)

Fare:200 yen per ride (multiple ride tickets are planned)
Pre-school children are free, and children (person-school age and younger), persons carrying proof of disabled / physically disabled or rehabilitating status, and senior citizens receiving care are half price (100 yen)
Operation method:Regional transportation in the form of a demand bus (Article 4 of the Road Service Transport Act)
Service system:Door to door service (transportation from passengers' houses, etc to the station, hospital, etc.)
Hours of operation:8 AM - 7 PM every day, including holidays
Reservations:8 AM- 6 PM. It is possible to reserve your trip up to a week ahead of time.
Area of ​​operation:within town limits (not including the Goshiki hot springs area, however Konbu Station and the areas around Konbu hot springs and hospital are included.)
  • However, we can not do trips within Rankoshi or Konbu.
  • On weekdays only we will allow ear reservations for customers in the south western direction in order to make the morning 7: 36 departure at the JR Niseko station. Please make these early reservations two days in advance.
    Please make these early reservations two days in advance.
Vehicle information:"One box type" (10 pasengers possible), 2 cars running all week, including weekends.

Riding the demand bus

  1.  Call the reservation enter (0136-43-2200)
  2. Once your time has been decided, your reservation is complete.
  3. The demand bus will arrive at the time you reserved, so please wait at the spot you reserved it at (in front of your house, etc.)
  4. Once the bus has arrived, please board quickly.
    → In the event that you are other reservations, you will ride with other passengers.
  5. After arriving at your destination, pay the driver when you disembark.

Things to know before you make a reservation

  • If you already know the time beforehand, you may have your return trip at the same time.
  • If multiple people are boarding and disembarking at the same time, please have a representative of the group say how many people are riding and make a group reservation.
  • Riding solo is also possible with the demand bus. In the event that there are no overlapping reservations, you will be taken directly to your destination.
  • If you make any change to your reservation please call the reservation center at least 45 minutes in advance.

When boarding the demand bus

  • As you will generally be riding alongside others, please mind your manners while on the demand bus. Food, drink and smoking are not permitted.
  • In the event that the situation situation in a detour, the demand bus may be late.
  • If you are late, the bus will most likely leave without you.

Riding the school bus

Service is one bus in the morning (to school) and three buses in the afternoon (from school). There are no school bus services on weekends, holidays, or during summer / winter / spring vacations. Service may also be canceled due to school events or temporary school closures.
  • Regular passengers may also ride the school bus.
  • The school bus is free to ride.
  • Passengers may only board at designated bus stops.
  • Students at the international school as well as high school students may also ride.


Regarding the demand bus

Niseko Town Council Tel. 0136-44-2121 Planning & Environment Division, Administration & Planning Section

For inquiries in English

Niseko Town Council Tel. 0136-44-2121 Planning and Environment Division

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Niseko Town Hall