Niseko Town Intensive Reform Plan (2005-2009)

Update: May 23, 2006
Niseko Town has been focusing on the promotion of administrative and financial reforms in the face of the severe economic situation surrounding local governments, and has established the Administrative Reform Charter in July 1996, and in March 2004, Formulate the current administrative reform outline with the target year of 20th fiscal year, promote the participation of residents, thoroughly reduce administrative expenses, consolidate subsidies, actively utilize private consignment, etc., an organization with flexibility We have been working on reforms such as reducing the number of staff members by building
The Central Reform Plan was approved by the Cabinet in February 2004 to promote aggressive administrative reforms in the country, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in March 2005 based on this. Based on the "New Guidelines for Promotion of Administrative Reform in Local Governments", the contents to be addressed as Niseko Town were determined based on the Administrative Reform Charter.

Contents of centralized reform plan

1. Basic Concept

(1) Background of Plan Formulation

Today, in addition to the lack of substantial tax revenue due to the prolonged economic downturn in the country and the rural areas, shortage of financial resources has been expanding due to an increase in debt repayment amount due to the repeated implementation of public works for economic measures. The total amount of debt of the central and local governments as of the end of FY 2005 is about 774 trillion yen, which is more than 1.5 times the GNP showing the physical strength of the nation, and it is facing a financial crisis that has never been experienced.
In order to deal with this situation, the government is undertaking structural reforms in all sectors such as industry, fiscal and social security under the flag of "structural reform without sanctuary", and administrative reform is part of such reform.
In "Trinity Reform" which is one of the important tasks of this administrative reform, the transfer of tax sources from the country to the rural areas, the reduction of the local allocation tax, and the abolition and reduction of the government subsidy contribution money are proceeding. In addition, in the country strongly promoted mergers of municipalities that put financial support on the front, "merger of Heisei" is now spreading in municipalities nationwide.
In order to promote aggressive administrative reform, the Cabinet decided on the Outline of New Administrative Reform in December 2004. Based on this, in March 2005, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for "promoting administrative reform in local governments The new guidelines of the
In this guideline, specific actions up to FY 2009 have been clarified through seven items including review of the administrative reform outline, reorganization / organization of administrative operations, discontinuation / integration, promotion of private consignment etc. and optimization of capacity management We have formulated a centralized reform plan and announced it.

(2) Necessity of Plan Formulation

According to the comprehensive plan so far in Honcho, we have steadily developed slowly but slowly, various measures such as improvement of infrastructure, industrial infrastructure, environmental measures, welfare measures, educational measures and so on.
Meanwhile, the balance of "local government bonds" which is the debt of the town is about 11 billion yen at the end of FY 2004 and about 2.37 million yen when converted to debt per citizen. The actual amount of debt excluding depopulated bonds that the government compensates for principal and interest redemption money is a little less than 5 billion yen, which is a heavy burden of about 105 million yen per town town. In addition, due to the substantial reduction of tax revenue reduction due to the prolonged economic recession and local allocation tax etc. due to trinity reform, the financial management of the town is extremely difficult.
In the town, from the harsh economic situation surrounding local governments, we have been focusing on promoting administrative and fiscal reform. In July 1996, we formulated the Outline of Administrative Reform, and in March 2004, we formulated the current general administrative reform outline with the fiscal year 2008 as the target year, promote the participation of residents, reduce thorough administrative expenses, We have been working on reforms such as consolidating subsidies, actively utilizing private consignment, and reducing the number of staff by constructing a flexible organization.
However, due to the extreme reduction of the local allocation tax that the government advances, the fiscal situation of the town is getting worse rapidly. In FY2006, the repayment amount of debts reaches its peak, and in FY 2007, it is expected to drastically reduce the local allocation tax which accounts for approximately 45% of total revenue.
In addition, it is savings of town, and the balance as of the end of 2004 is more than 1.6 billion yen, including the “Financial Adjustment Fund” to adjust the imbalance of financial resources during the fiscal year. The fiscal outlook for the future is that if the expenditure scale in FY2005 continues without administrative reforms, the balance of funds that cannot be allocated will bottom out in FY2009, and will increase over the five years from FY2008 to FY2014. A shortfall of 900 million yen is expected. The future of the country's trinity reform is uncertain, but town finance could collapse if left unchecked. Niseko Town to become independent as a “town” in the future, it is urgently necessary to reinforce its finances through further administrative and financial reforms.
Under such a severe fiscal situation, in order to respond to the needs of new townspeople, it is necessary to strengthen the efforts of administrative reform more than ever and to maximize effect with minimum expenses. In order to build a sustainable foundation municipality, with the understanding of the townspeople, we aim to establish administrative and financial management with the cooperation of the residents and the administration, and we will further tackle administrative and fiscal reform.

(3) Plan contents

  1. Restructuring and organization of administrative and business, abolition / integration
  2. Promotion of private consignment
  3. Optimization of capacity management and personnel management
  4. Appropriate salary
  5. Review of the third sector
  6. Securing financial management by cost reduction etc.
  7. Town development of information sharing

(4) Positioning of the centralized reform plan and alignment with the second line of outline

The Intensive Reform Plan is positioned in the second Niseko Town Administration Reform Charter (hereinafter referred to as the "Government Reform Charter") with the implementation year from FY2004 to FY2008, and will be the target indicated in the new guidelines. As a centralized reform plan.
From the items of the Rules Outline, we will select and implement urgent issues that the town should concentrate on in line with the new guidelines. In addition, since the contents listed in the centralized reform plan are included in the outline reform plan, consistent with the reform outline and the progress status of the central reform plan are strictly managed by the progress management system of the outline outline To go.

2. Duration of reform

The period of reform will be five years from FY 2005 to FY 2009.

3. Efforts to be taken

1. Reorganization / organization of office work and business, abolition / integration

(1) Review of administrative operations

1. Review the responsibility area of ​​the administrative authority and fully rationalize the necessity and effect of administrative projects, and try to rationalize the organization. Also, when introducing the project, it is necessary to precisely grasp the administrative demand and new administrative issues as well as considering the true necessity and cost effectiveness fully regardless of the subsidy source, selecting and prioritizing the project I will.
  • Introduction of administrative finance evaluation system (General Affairs Section, Planning Section)
2. The needs for local governments are also becoming more sophisticated, and further specialization and sophistication of administrative services are required. For this reason, we will promote collaboration between administrative affairs with neighboring towns and villages from a wide-area perspective and consideration of municipal mergers promoted by the country.
  • Consider introduction of wide-area collaborative affairs with subordinate branch office towns and villages (each department concerned)
  • Consideration of Municipal Merger (Planning Division)
3. Since expenses related to election administration are overpriced and we are squeezing our finances, we will endeavor to reduce election administrative expenses by reviewing administrative processing and personnel expenses.
  • Efficiency improvement of election execution administration (General Affairs Section, Election Management Committee)
  • Fixed amount of voting official work allowance (General Affairs Section, Election Management Committee)
4. Honmachi operates kindergartens and nursery schools respectively, but in order to operate efficiently, we will maintain the functions of both facilities and unify the kindergarten and nursery school. We also examine the integration of elementary school while asking about the actual circumstances and opinions of the area.
  • Establishment of 2007 Year's Day Comprehensive Facilities (School Education Division, Health and Welfare Section)
(Nursery school, comprehensive of kindergarten, establishment of child care support center function)
  • Miyata Elementary School Integration (School Education Division)
5. We will examine the significance in the high school area and the future management policy from a long-term perspective.
  • Study of future image of town high school (School Education Division)
6. Regarding the town circulation bus "Fureai shuttle" which has become established as a regional public transport system, while continuing to consider the efficiency of the project while paying attention to the convenience of the residents to its operation route and fee, etc., for proper operation I will make an effort.
  • Proper operation of circulation bus (contact shuttle bus) (planning section)

(2) Establish efficient organization / mechanism

1. Review all organizations and mechanisms so that they can comprehensively and flexibly respond to administrative tasks, and strive to streamline administration and streamline administrative tasks. Moreover, in order to respond to the decentralization era, such as how to proceed and work so far, it is necessary to promote overall reforms, to establish a system that enables voluntary and efficient administrative work to be developed and the location of responsibility is clarified I will aim. (General Affairs Section)
  • Review of office organization organization from time to time (efficient office work)
2. Concerning the simple waterworks accounting and sewerage accounting, we will consider conversion to a public enterprise, clarify costs and reduce related expenses. (Water supply and sewerage section)
  • Consideration of public corporation

2. Promotion of private consignment etc.

(1) Promotion of private consignment

1. In order to further promote private sector consignment etc., we conduct a comprehensive inspection throughout the whole affairs and business, and formulate concrete and comprehensive guidelines and plans. In conducting consignment, we will strive to maintain and improve residents' service, and we will pay attention to ensuring transparency such as target business, selection criteria, contract terms, etc. and securing personal information and confidentiality obligation.
  • Creation of guidelines / plans for private consignment etc. (General Affairs Section / Planning Section)
2. We will consign private-sector road maintenance work.
  • Heisei era town town snow removal work full consignment, road maintenance maintenance part consignment (construction division)
  • Heisei era snow removal work in 2006, consigned full road maintenance work (Construction Division)
3. Private outsourcing of public facility snow removal work will be carried out.
  • Heiseiro Fully Participated in Snow removal work of public facilities (Jurisdiction section)

(2) Promoting introduction of designated manager system

1. Based on the "Niseko Town Public Facilities Designated Administrator System Introduction Guidelines", we will verify the management of all public facilities, including the abolition, and clarify future guidelines.
  • Guidelines for the introduction of designated manager system in each public facility (each department concerned)
2. Promote the introduction of designated manager system.
  • Heisei hot spring spring "Kiranoyu" in FY 2005, compost center (agricultural tourism section)
  • Heisei era regional community center (townspeople's life section)
  • Annupuri Forest Park (Commerce and Tourism Division)
  • Heisei era townspeople center (town residence life division)

3. Optimization of capacity management and personnel management

(1) Capacity management · Human resources management

1. We will try to optimize the number of staff.
  • In capacity management, we will strive to organize drastic clerical work, rationalize the organization, allocate staff appropriately and promote systematic staffing by promoting private consignment etc. (General Affairs Section)
  • As of the end of FY 2004, 93 employees will be reduced to 85 (net loss 8.6%) as of the end of FY 2009 as a result of the non-supplement of retirees. (General Affairs Section)
2. We will consider introducing a personnel evaluation system.
  • In order to revitalize the organization and improve operational efficiency, it is important to enrich staff training and maximize the abilities of individual staff. As a method to raise awareness of officials, we will consider a mechanism to properly evaluate job performance and reflect it in treatment. (General Affairs Section)
3. We will strive to nurture and secure human resources.
  • For administrative management that truly corresponds to the decentralization era, it is essential to improve the planning skills of each employee and the processing capacity of ordinary work. Therefore, in addition to offering various training opportunities, we will strive to improve the training level and enhance the content of the training. (General Affairs Section)
4. We will strive to improve staff ethics.
  • Employees are strongly aware that they are engaged in public work and formulate ethics provisions in order to clarify their intention to hope in a tough manner. (General Affairs Section)
  • We will consider establishing a committee on reward and punishment etc. including external committee members. (General Affairs Section)

4. Adjusting salary appropriately

(1) Appropriate salary

1. We will review the payroll table according to duties and responsibilities.
  • Revised in accordance with the 2007 fiscal year's new salary system (General Affairs Section)
  • Reduction of monthly salary of special occupation in FY 2005 (General Affairs Division)
(Town mayor, assistant: 4,542 thousand yen, 15.8% reduction)
  • Heisei era 2005 parliamentary remuneration reduction (Congress secretariat)
(744 thousand yen, 2.4% reduction)
2. We will continue making efforts to optimize various allowances.
  • Unique reduction of year-end allowance for FY 2006 from FY 2005 (General Affairs Division)
(Monthly salary 3.00 months / year, to 1.95 month / year)
  • Reduction of 2006 managerial allowance (General Affairs Section)
(Monthly salary from 9% to 8%)
  • Review and reduce the travel expense payment standard for 2006 FY2006 (General Affairs Division)
3. We will try to optimize welfare programs.
  • Regarding welfare programs for employees, we will conduct inspections and reviews so that residents' understanding will be obtained, and we will implement projects properly. (General Affairs Section)

Fifth review of the third sector

(1) Strengthening the operation of outsider organizations

1. Define organizations with township ownership percentage of 50% or more as an outsider group and endeavor to provide guidance so that each group can tackle healthy group management.
Target group
  • Niseko Town Land Development Corporation (Equity: 5 million yen / 100%)
  • Kirat Niseko Corporation (stock: 6 million yen / 50%)
  • Niseko Resort Tourist Association (stock: 10 million yen / 50%)
  • We will encourage aggressive management reform incorporating know-how of private management. (Each department concerned)
  • In addition to strengthening the auditing system, we will encourage enhancement and strengthening of inspection and evaluation based on the viewpoint of administrative evaluation. (Each department concerned)
  • If it is judged that the management content is serious, we will verify the cause of management deterioration without postponing the problem and encourage drastic management improvement. (Each department concerned)
2. We will grasp the situation accurately about business contents, management situation, public support etc. and make efforts to disclose information to townspeople.
  • We will strive to accurately grasp the management situation etc. of the outer group. (Each department concerned)
  • In addition to reporting management status to Congress, we will make efforts to disclose information that is easy to understand by making use of the homepage etc. (Jurisdiction Division, Planning Division)

6. Securing financial management through cost reduction etc.

(1) Savings in expenses Rationalization etc. Financial soundness

1. Budget execution requires a long-term perspective to ensure fiscal consolidation and provide maximum public services with limited resources. We will review the "Niseko Town Financial Crisis Breakthrough Plan" that we devised in 2004 and perform systematic financial management.
  • Review of "Niseko Town Financial Crisis Breakthrough Plan" from time to time (General Affairs Division)
2. We will strive to improve voluntary financial resources by improving the collection rate of town tax etc. and optimizing the burden of beneficiaries.
  • We will continue to promote the account transfer system and actively improve the collection rate and work to strengthen the system for delinquent payment. (Tax Division, Jurisdiction Division)
  • From the viewpoint of optimizing the beneficiary burden, we will constantly review the non-tax income such as fees and usage fees. (Each department concerned)
3. We will endeavor to actively disclose financial conditions and others.
  • It is important to accurately grasp the financial situation of the town and to objectively evaluate whether fiscal management is being carried out properly. In order to correctly know the current situation, we will prepare the materials using an effective and easy-to-understand method and release that information. (General Affairs Section, Planning Section)

(2) Rationalization of subsidies, etc.

1. Based on the report of the Niseko Town Subsidy Committee in 2004, we will promote the rearranging and rationalization of subsidies.
  • Regarding subsidies etc. to organizations etc., we will verify necessity, cost effectiveness, how to bear burden of expenses, etc. as administrative goal, and plan to abolish or reduce them. (Each department concerned)

7. Community Planning for Information Sharing

(1) Establishment of an open administrative system

Regional decentralization progresses, and community making is made taking advantage of each feature. Resident participation (autonomy) is important to advance this community development. In order to promote participation by residents, it is necessary to "share" much of the information held by the administration.
With the advancement of information technology, it is becoming possible to obtain administrative information from home etc., and to receive administrative services such as application and application of public facility use. In Honcho, we will actively utilize these methods to establish an open administrative system.
1. Promotion of easy-to-understand administration
  • Information is "shared" and "understandability" is also an important element. It will not be useful as information unless it gains understanding from many residents. In Honcho, we will endeavor to implement policies that take into consideration "shared" and "easy to understand" in order to fulfill accountability to residents. (Each department concerned)
2. Realization of e-municipality
  • "Electronic municipalities" using communication technology will be able to eliminate time and distance constraints. We will carefully consider whether the mechanism using this communication technology will contribute to residents' service or whether it is cost effective and will proceed with its introduction. (Planning Division)
3. Localization of information
  • Regional towns and villages including Honmachi are delayed in the development of the information and telecommunications infrastructure compared with the urban areas, and there is a gap in the information that the residents can acquire. Since the disparity of information greatly affects the regional economy and education, we will consider the method of communication infrastructure adapted to the topography of Honcho and try to resolve the disparity. (Planning Division)
  • We will continue to consider new information sharing means as a substitute for Soyokaz Communication, which is provided using a telephone line. (Planning Division)
4. Protection of personal information
  • With the progress of communication technology it has become possible to receive many useful services, but at the same time the problem of information leakage due to unauthorized access etc. is occurring. Although Honmachi conducts strict information management and operation, we will consider introducing an external audit to evaluate whether this is properly done in the administrative information system. (Planning Division)
5. Improvement of window service
  • In order to improve residents' services, we will consider the possibility of consolidating windows and issuing juminhyo (certificate of residence) certificates on holidays. (Town Citizen Life Division)

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