Schedule of the town council


Administrative report · Educational administration report

Petition No. 1(Adopted):ニセコ町立小中学校の給食の無償化を求める陳情(総務常任委員会報告)
発議第 1号(Committee to the Industrial Construction Standing Committee):ゼロカーボン北海道の実現に資する森林・林業・木材産業施策の
      充実・強化を求める意見書案  (提出者/ニセコ町議会議員 木下裕三)       
Report No. 1(Report acceptance): About the report of Kirat Niseko management situation
Report No. 2(Report acceptance): About the report of Niseko Resort Tourism Association management situation
Report No. 3(Report acceptance): Report on the management status of Niseko Yukimori Kosha Co., Ltd.
Report No. 4(Report acceptance): About report of the Niseko Town information disclosure regulations operation situation
報告第 5号(報告受理):令和5年度ニセコ町繰越明許費繰越計算書の報告について
Approval No. 1(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
Approval No. 2(Approval):専決処分した事件の承認について(令和5年度ニセコ町国民健康保険事業
Approval No. 3(Approval):専決処分した事件の承認について(令和6年度ニセコ町一般会計補正予算)
Approval No. 4(Approval):専決処分した事件の承認について(令和6年度ニセコ町一般会計補正予算)
Proposal No. 1(Original proposal decision):請負契約の締結について(ニセコ町定住促進住宅整備事業(設計・施工一括発注))
(以下 提案理由の説明)   
議案第 2号:ニセコ町まちづくり基本条例改正検討委員会設置条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第 3号:ニセコ町地下水保全条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第 4号:ニセコ町民センターの設置及び管理に関する条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第 5号:辺地に係る公共的施設の総合整備計画書の一部変更について
議案第 6号:令和6年度ニセコ町一般会計補正予算
議案第 7号:令和6年度ニセコ町簡易水道事業会計補正予算

General questions
小松弘幸議員   「広域連携による鳥獣被害対策について」
斉藤うめ子議員  「未来世代法(ミラゼダ)をどのように考えるか」
前原孝植議員   「地域通貨について」
高木直良議員   「観光客動向の変化への対応について」
木下裕三議員   「ニセコ町の広告収入などについて」
大野幹哉議員   「町道羊蹄連絡線、真狩旧道線通学路他の注意看板について」



Wednesday, May 1st
報告第   1号(Report acceptance):専決処分した事件の報告について(和解及び損害賠償の額の決定について)
Approval No. 1(Approval):専決処分した事件の承認について(令和6年度ニセコ町一般会計補正予算)
Proposal No. 1(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町まちづくり基本条例改正検討委員会設置条例
Proposal No. 2(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町企業版ふるさと納税基金条例
Proposal No. 3(Original proposal decision):職員の給与に関する条例等の一部を改正する条例
Proposal No. 4(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町会計年度任用職員の給与及び費用弁償に関する条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第   5号(Original proposal decision):町税条例の一部を改正する条例
Proposal No. 6(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町こども医療費の助成に関する条例の一部を改正する条例
Proposal No. 7(Original proposal decision):請負契約の締結について(公営住宅(新団地2号棟)建設工事(建築主体工事))
議案第   8号(Original proposal decision):請負契約の締結について(公営住宅(中央団地5号棟)長寿命化型複合改善工事)
Proposal 9(Original proposal decision):令和6年度ニセコ町一般会計補正予算

2024 2nd Niseko Town Regular Meeting

Administrative report · Educational administration report

陳情第  1号(総務常任委員会へ付託/継続審査):ニセコ町立小中学校の給食の無償化を求める陳情
                   (学校給食の無償化を求める保護者有志の会 事務局 中江綾) 
報告第  1号(Report acceptance):専決処分した事件の報告について(和解及び損害賠償の額の決定について)

March 7 (Thu)
議案第18号~22号 令和6年度各会計予算(予算特別委員会へ付託)

General questions

斉藤うめ子議員  「ニセコ高校に制服は必要か」
小松弘幸議員   「ニセコ町内のスキーリフト券を町民限定割引販売実施について」
前原孝植議員   「ニセコ町財政運営危機の町民への周知について」
高木直良議員   「能登半島地震の教訓とは」  
高瀨浩樹議員   「開発事業増加に伴う用水の利用について」
榊原龍弥議員   「地域循環型経済について」


議案第  1号(Original proposal decision):第6次ニセコ町総合計画の策定について               
議案第  2号(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町道路線の認定について(中学校西通)
議案第  3号(Original proposal decision):Niseko Town regulations to revise a part of the regulations relating to Parliament lawmakers fees and expense reimbursement, etc.
議案第  4号(Original proposal decision): The regulations to revise a part of the regulations about salary of the staff of special job
議案第  5号(Original proposal decision):教育長の給与勤務時間その他の勤務条件に関する条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第  6号(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町職員定数条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第  7号(Original proposal decision): Ordinance to revise a part of the ordinance on salary of staff
議案第  8号(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町会計年度職員の給与及び費用弁償に関する条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第  9号(Original proposal decision): Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance on travel expenses for Niseko Town officials
Proposal No. 10(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町職員の自己啓発等休業に関する条例
Proposal No. 11(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町行政手続における特定の個人を識別するための番号の利用等に関する法律に
Proposal No. 12(Original proposal decision): Ordinance that partially revises the Niseko Town National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance
議案第 13号(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町草地畜産基盤整備事業の分担金徴収に関する条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第 14号(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町公園条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第 15号(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町水道事業条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第 16号(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町水道布設工事監督者及び水道技術管理者に関する条例の一部を改正する条例      
議案第 17号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget
議案第 18号(Original proposal decision):令和6年度ニセコ町一般会計予算
議案第 19号(Original proposal decision):令和6年度ニセコ町国民健康保険事業特別会計予算
議案第 20号(Original proposal decision):令和6年度ニセコ町後期高齢者医療特別会計予算       
議案第 21号(Original proposal decision):令和6年度ニセコ町簡易水道事業会計予算
議案第 22号(Original proposal decision):令和6年度ニセコ町公共下水道事業会計予算
議案第 23号(Original proposal decision):令和5年度ニセコ町一般会計補正予算(追加)
議案第 24号(Original proposal decision):令和6年度ニセコ町一般会計補正予算(追加)


Budget special committee

March 7 (Thu)
Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
 委員長 木下裕三、副委員長 榊原龍弥



2024 1st Niseko Town Extraordinary Meeting

承認第  1号(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
承認第  2号(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
承認第  3号(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
議案第  1号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget


2023 8th Niseko Town Regular Meeting

Wednesday, December 13th
Administrative report · Educational administration report

Committee Report No. 2(Report acceptance / request for good treatment): Report on the results of administrative work (Industrial Construction Standing Committee)
Certification first(Certification):About the certification of revenue and expenditure for each account Niseko Town 2022 (Settlement special committee report)
Petition No. 1(Refered by the Standing Committee for Internal Affairs and Communications):Petition to strengthen the functions of national hospitals
(Petitioner/Risa Watanabe, branch manager of Zen-Iro Hokkaido Medical Center) (Introducing member/Naoyoshi Takagi)
Approval No. 1(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
Proposal No. 1(Agree): Regarding the selection of Niseko Town fixed asset evaluation committee members (Tomoaki Kawahara)
Proposal No. 2(Agree): Regarding the selection of Niseko Town fixed asset evaluation committee members (Keiko Ishizuka)
Proposal No. 3(Agree): Regarding the selection of Niseko Town fixed asset evaluation committee members (Yoshinori Haga)

General questions
Councilor Takayuki Maehara “About the Niseko model to solve traffic issues during the winter season”
"About accommodation tax"
“About Niseko Town Basic Ordinance for Town Development”
Councilor Umeko Saito “About town development that fosters civic pride”
“About school insulation renovation”
“The future of marriage support measures in Niseko Town”
Representative Hiroyuki Komatsu “About the free distribution of security buzzers”
Representative Yuzo Kinoshita “About Niseko Town Accommodation Tax Ordinance”
Representative Mikiya Ohno “About free school lunch fees”
Representative Naoyoshi Takagi “About efforts to change the JR Mountain Line bus conversion policy and continue its existence”
"About skate park maintenance"
“Regarding responses to lodging businesses that do not fall under the proposed lodging tax ordinance”

Petition No. 1(Adopted):国立病院の機能強化を求める請願  (総務常任委員会報告)              
Proposal No. 4(Original proposal decision): About partial change of general maintenance plan of public facilities pertaining to remote areas
Proposal No. 5(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町道路線の廃止について(ニセコミライ通)
Proposal No. 6(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町道路線の認定について(ニセコミライ通)
Proposal No. 7(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町宿泊税条例 
Proposal No. 8(Original proposal decision): Ordinance to revise a part of the ordinance on Niseko Town fee collection
Proposal 9(Original proposal decision): Ordinance that partially revises the Niseko Town National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance
議案第 10号(Original proposal decision): Ordinance that partially revises the Niseko Town Seal Ordinance
議案第 11号(Original proposal decision):ニセコ町特定公共賃貸住宅の設置及び管理に関する条例の一部を改正する条例
議案第 12号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget
Bill No. 13(Original proposal decision):令和5年度ニセコ町後期高齢者医療特別会計補正予算
Bill No. 14(Agree):ニセコ町特別功労表彰者の決定について(猪狩一郎)
意見案第2号(Original proposal decision):国立病院の機能強化を求める意見書案
            (提出者/ニセコ町議会議員 小松弘幸)


2023 7th Niseko Town Extraordinary Meeting

Tuesday, November 14th
Approval No. 1(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
Proposal No. 1(Agree): Regarding the election of agricultural committee members (Tsuneo Yamazaki)
Proposal No. 2(Original proposal decision):Niseko Town regulations to revise a part of the regulations relating to Parliament lawmakers fees and expense reimbursement, etc.
Proposal No. 3(Original proposal decision): The regulations to revise a part of the regulations about salary of the staff of special job
Proposal No. 4(Original proposal decision): Ordinance to revise a part of the ordinance on salary of staff
Proposal No. 5(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget
Proposal No. 6(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town Simple Water Supply Business Special Account Supplementary Budget
Proposal No. 7(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town Public Sewerage Project Special Account Supplementary Budget


2023 6th Niseko Town Regular Meeting

Thursday, September 7
Administrative report · Educational administration report

Petition No. 1(Committee to the Industrial Construction Standing Committee): Petition for continuation of special exemption measures for light oil collection tax
(Petitioner / Hokkaido Cableway Association Chairman Takushi Ueda and one other company)
Initiative No. 2(Committee to the Industrial Construction Standing Committee): Forestry, forestry, and wood industry measures that contribute to the realization of zero-carbon Hokkaido
Draft Opinion Requesting Enhancement and Strengthening of
(Submitter / Niseko Town Parliament Yuzo Kinoshita)
Initiative No. 3(Committee to the Industrial Construction Standing Committee): Draft opinion on social infrastructure development, etc. that contributes to national resilience
(Submitter / Niseko Town Parliament Yuzo Kinoshita)
Proposal No. 4(Committee to the Industrial Construction Standing Committee): Draft Opinion Requesting Lower Gasoline and Diesel Prices
(Submitted by Niseko Town member Takaue Maehara)
Committee Report No. 1(Report acceptance / request for good treatment): Report on the results of administrative work (General Affairs Standing Committee)
Report No. 1(Report acceptance): Report on the management status (business plan) of Kirat Niseko Co., Ltd.
Report No. 2(Report acceptance): Report on Niseko Resort Tourism Association Management Status (Business Plan)
Report No. 3(Report acceptance): Report on the management status of Niseko Yukimori Kosha Co., Ltd.
Report No. 4(Report acceptance): Regarding the report of Niseko Town restoration judgment ratio and fund shortage ratio 2022
Certification first(Refered by the special settlement committee): 2022 Niseko Town Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement Certification
Advisory No. 1(Eligibility and advisory report): Nomination of Human Rights Volunteer Candidates (Reiko Maki) 

Thursday, September 14th
General questions
Councilor Naoyoshi Takagi "Elimination of Housing Mismatches by Building a Relocation Support System"
"Isn't it necessary to take comprehensive measures against heatstroke?"
"Shouldn't we review the provision of the 'appropriate age list' to the Self-Defense Forces?"
Representative Takaue Maehara "About Niseko Yukimori Kosha Co., Ltd."
Representative Saito Umeko "For the Diverse Future of Niseko High School"
"Holding the Children's Cafeteria and Future Issues"
Representative Hiroyuki Komatsu: “Can we consider installing air conditioners in Kindergarten, elementary and junior high schools, and high schools?”
Representative Masao Shinohara "Ensuring the safety of the Niseko elementary school ground"
"About construction of Niseko living house" living place ""
Representative Hiroki Takase “About local public transportation”

Petition No. 1(Adopted): Petition for continuation of special exemption measures for light oil collection tax
Initiative No. 2(Original proposal decision): Forestry, forestry, and wood industry measures that contribute to the realization of zero-carbon Hokkaido
Draft Opinion Requesting Enhancement and Strengthening of
Initiative No. 3(Original proposal decision): Draft opinion on social infrastructure development, etc. that contributes to national resilience
Proposal No. 4(Approved): Draft Opinion Requesting Lower Gasoline and Diesel Prices
Proposal No. 1(Original proposal decision): About discussion of changing a part of Hokkaido municipal staff retirement pay association agreement
Proposal No. 2(Original proposal decision):Ordinance to partially revise Niseko Town Simple Water Supply Business Special Account Ordinance
Proposal No. 3(Original proposal decision):Ordinance to partially revise Niseko Town Public Sewerage Business Special Account Ordinance
Proposal No. 4(Original proposal decision): Niseko Town Ordinance regarding the establishment of public enterprises, etc.
Proposal No. 5(Original proposal decision): Regarding changes to the contract (2023 Forest Road Obanai Line Slope Repair Work (No. 2 and No. 3 locations))
Proposal No. 6(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget
Proposal No. 7(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town Simple Water Supply Business Special Account Supplementary Budget
Proposal No. 8(Agree): Appointment of Niseko Town Board of Education members (Chiba Tsumugi)
Proposal No. 5(Original proposal decision): Niseko Town rule to amend the part of the parliament meeting rules
(Submitted by: Niseko Town member Tatsuya Sakakibara)
Proposal No. 6(Original proposal decision): Regarding designation of matters for exclusive decision by the mayor
(Submitted by: Niseko Town member Tatsuya Sakakibara)
Opinion draft first(Original proposal decision): Statement of opinion requesting the continuation of special tax exemption measures for light oil take-back tax
(Submitted by: Niseko Town member Yuzo Kinoshita and 3 others)


2023 5th Niseko Town Extraordinary Meeting

July 25 (Tue)
Report No. 1(Report acceptance): About the report of the case that was disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
Approval No. 1(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
Approval No. 2(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
Proposal No. 1(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget


2023 4th Niseko Town Regular Meeting

June 6 (Tue)
Administrative report · Educational administration report


Report No. 1(Report acceptance):Niseko Town Land Development Corporation Management Report
Report No. 2(Report acceptance): About the report of Kirat Niseko management situation
Report No. 3(Report acceptance): About the report of Niseko Resort Tourism Association management situation
Report No. 4(Report acceptance): About report of the Niseko Town information disclosure regulations operation situation
Report No. 5(Report acceptance): Report on the operation status of the former Niseko Town Personal Information Protection Ordinance
Report No. 6(Report acceptance): 2022 Niseko Town Carry-over License Expenses Carry-over Statement Report
Approval No. 1(Approval): Approval of the case that was dismissed exclusively
(2022 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget)
Approval No. 2(Approval): Approval of the case that was dismissed exclusively
(2022 Niseko Town National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget)
Approval No. 3(Approval): Approval of the case that was dismissed exclusively
(2022 Niseko Town Simplified Water Supply Business Special Account Supplementary Budget)
Approval No. 4(Approval): Approval of the case that was dismissed exclusively
(2022 Niseko Town Public Sewerage Business Special Account Supplementary Budget)
Approval No. 5(Approval): Approval of the case that was dismissed exclusively
(2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget)
Proposal No. 1(Agree): About the appointment of the agricultural committee (Tomomi Ohno)
Proposal No. 2(Agree): About the appointment of the agricultural committee (Takashi Araki)
Proposal No. 3(Agree): About the appointment of the agricultural committee (Toshinori Ohashi)
Proposal No. 4(Agree): About the election of the agricultural committee (Masato Kubo)
Proposal No. 5(Agree): About the election of the agricultural committee (Nariyuki Sasazuka)
Proposal No. 6(Agree): About the election of the agricultural committee (Masayuki Omichi)
Proposal No. 7(Agree): Regarding the appointment of the agricultural committee (Hiroshi Takahashi)
Proposal No. 8(Agree): Regarding the appointment of the agricultural committee (Jun Sasaki)
Proposal 9(Agree): About the appointment of the agricultural committee (Kazuhiro Ota)
議案第 10号(Agree): About the election of the agricultural committee (Osamu Nagai)
議案第 11号(Agree): About the appointment of the agricultural committee (Kiyomi Kurashita)
議案第 12号(Agree): About the appointment of the agricultural committee (Hiroki Sato)

Wednesday, June 14th
General questions
Umeko Saito, a member of the Diet, "Towards free school lunches"
"Is the compensation and selection of social education committee members appropriate?"
"Toward the Department Conversion from Niseko High School's Agricultural Department to Comprehensive Department"
"A system like a host family for Niseko high school students"
Representative Hiroyuki Komatsu: “Can we consider a building name other than the building number of the housing complex?”
Councilor Mikiya Ohno "Regarding Town Road Maintenance and Management"
Councilor Naoyoshi Takagi "Regarding the materialization of efforts for 'improvement of regional transportation'"
"About how to change the department of Niseko High School"
“Regarding the Consideration of Regulations on the Total Volume of Resort Development, etc.”
Yuzo Kinoshita, a member of the Diet, "About the accommodation tax aiming for early introduction"
Representative Koue Maehara "About Niseko High School Dormitory Rules"
"About the branding of Niseko agricultural products"

Bill No. 13(Original proposal decision): Regarding the conclusion of the contract (Public Housing (Chuo Danchi Building No. 6) Long-life complex improvement work)
Bill No. 14(Original proposal decision): Regarding the conclusion of the contract (2023 urban district water pipe renewal work)
Proposal No. 15(Original proposal decision): About the formulation of a comprehensive maintenance plan for public facilities related to remote areas
Bill No. 16(Original proposal decision): About partial change of general maintenance plan of public facilities pertaining to remote areas
Bill No. 17(Original proposal decision): Dissolution of Niseko Town Land Development Corporation
Bill No. 18(Original proposal decision): Acquisition of property
Bill No. 19(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget
議案第 20号(Original proposal decision): About the amount of settlement and compensation for damages


2023 3rd Niseko Town Extraordinary Assembly (First Assembly)

Wednesday, May 10
Election No. 1(Yuji Aoba elected): election of the chairman
Election No. 2(Masao Shinohara elected): Election of Vice-President
Election No. 3(Yuji Aoba elected): Election of members of the Shiribeshi Wide Area Union Assembly
Election No. 4(Tatsuya Sakakibara and Koue Maehara elected): Election of members of the Yotei Sanroku Environmental Sanitation Association
Election No. 5(Yuzo Kinoshita and Mikiya Ohno elected): Election of members of the Mt. Yotei firefighting association
Election No. 6(Hiroyuki Komatsu elected): Election of members of the Shiribeshi Education and Training Center Association Assembly

Approval No. 1(Approval): Approval of a case that has been disposed of (2022 Niseko Town Latter-stage Elderly Medical Care Special Account Supplementary Budget)
Approval No. 2(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
Approval No. 3(Approval): Approval of cases that have been disposed of (Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget 2023)
Proposal No. 1(Agree): About the election of Niseko Town Audit Committee (Naoyoshi Takagi)
Proposal No. 2(Original proposal decision): Ordinance to partially revise the town tax ordinance, etc.
Proposal No. 3(Original proposal decision): About change of Niseko Town road line (junior high school)
Proposal No. 4(Original draft approved):About Niseko Town Road Line Certification (Niseko Mirai Dori)
Proposal No. 5(Original proposal decision): Regarding the conclusion of the contract (2023 forest road Kohanai Line slope repair work)
Proposal No. 6(Original proposal decision): Regarding the conclusion of the contract (2023 Miyata district (Kohanai) water pipe renewal work)
Proposal No. 7(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget


2023 2nd Niseko Town Regular Meeting

March 7 (Tue)
Administrative report · Educational administration report
2023 Execution Policy/Educational Administration Execution Policy

2022 Proposal No. 6(Approved): Draft opinion requesting a review of the abolition of health insurance cards

March 8 (Wed)
議案第10号~14号 令和5年度各会計予算(予算特別委員会へ付託)

March 14 (Tue)
General questions
Ms. Umeko Saito "Women and Politics: Why the Number of Female Members of Parliament Has Not Increased"
"Can Niseko Town be the final home?"
“How do we deal with the problem of stray cats without owners?”
Hiroyuki Komatsu, Member of the House of Representatives "Regarding measures to enable vehicles to run safely even in bad weather in winter"
Representative Naoyoshi Takagi "About the 6th Niseko Town Comprehensive Plan Formulation"
"About problems related to snow removal"
"Construction of New Fire Department Building and Expansion of Parking Lot for Visitors to Town Hall"
Representative Tatsuya Sakakibara "Regarding Specified Small Motor Bicycles"

Thursday, March 16th 
議案第     1号(Original proposal decision): Niseko Town Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
議案第   2号(Original proposal decision): Niseko Town Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Review Board Ordinance
議案第   3号(Original proposal decision): Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance on travel expenses for Niseko Town officials
議案第   4号(Original proposal decision): Ordinance to revise a part of the ordinance on Niseko Town fee collection
議案第   5号(Original proposal decision): Ordinance to partially revise Niseko Town Long-Term Care Prevention and Life Support Business Ordinance
議案第   6号(Original proposal decision): Ordinance that partially revises the Niseko Town National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance
議案第     7号(Original proposal decision): Ordinance that partially revises the Niseko Town Seal Ordinance
議案第     8号(Original proposal decision): 2022 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget
議案第   9号(Original proposal decision): 2022 Niseko Town Agricultural Village Drainage Business Special Account Supplementary Budget
議案第   10号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town general account budget
議案第   11号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
議案第   12号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town Late Elderly Medical Care Special Account Budget
議案第   13号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town Simple Water Supply Business Special Account Budget
議案第   14号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town Public Sewerage Business Special Account Budget
発議第     1号(Original proposal decision): Niseko Town Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information
議案第   15号(Agree): Appointment of Niseko Town Audit Committee (Saburo Satake)
議案第   16号(Original proposal decision): 2022 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget
議案第   17号(Original proposal decision): 2023 Niseko Town General Account Supplementary Budget


Budget special committee

March 8 (Wed)
Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
Chairman Hiroki Takase, Vice Chairman Yuzo Kinoshita

March 14 (Tue)

March 15 (Wed)

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Niseko Town Parliament Secretariat