Conservation of groundwater

Groundwater is an important property

Niseko is blessed with abundant snow cover and rich forests. Thanks to the blessings of nature, clean groundwater can be used as drinking water, indispensable for daily life. However, groundwater is still a limited resource, and there is a risk of causing drought and subsidence by sampling a large amount of water.
Groundwater is an important shared property indispensable to everyone's life. It is required to give consideration to each other and to use it moderately.

Permission and notification of well drilling

In order to prevent drought and land subsidence due to excessive water sampling, Niseko Town requires permission or notification before drilling a well to collect groundwater based on the Niseko Town Groundwater Conservation Ordinance.
The flow of permission and notification is as follows.

Niseko Town Groundwater Conservation Ordinance Flowchart

Groundwater Maintenance Flowchart
  • Reference value of cross-sectional area: For tube diameter 32 mm, cross-sectional area 8.04 square centimeters
  • When there are two or more outlets, the total of the cross sectional area is the target.
  • For the ordinance text, please click here.

Application, notification form

pdf file format

word File format

Guidance, order, penalties

Guidance etc.

  • When it is deemed necessary for preservation of groundwater, it can recommend to take guidance, advice or necessary measures.


  • You can revoke your permission for fake or otherwise authorized means.
  • You may order a person who is collecting without permission to set the deadline and take necessary measures.
  • If there is an urgent necessity, it is possible to limit the collection of groundwater by setting the period.
  • When a person who received a recommendation fails to take such measures, he / she may order a matter to take such measures with a deadline.
  • When a person who received the order does not comply, it is possible to order temporary suspension of the collecting action by setting a deadline.

Penal provision

  • In case of violation of an order → fine of 500,000 yen
  • Failure to make various notifications → Fine for 300,000 yen
  • If you receive permission by lying fraudulent other illegal means → fine of 300,000 yen
  • When refusing the on-site inspection without just cause → fine of 300,000 yen

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Planning Environment Division Eco-Model City Promotion Section