Syahirah Wiropuspito (Syah)

Syahirah Wiropuspito (Syah)

Division : Niseko Town Hall Industry & Tourism Division
Duties : Translation / Interpretation (EN / JA) Language Support, Tourist Information, Event Planning, School Visits / Readings
Languages : English, Japanese
Nationality: Melbourne, Australia

Personal History

Monash University
Major - Japanese Studies & Global Asia
Work Experience :
Japanese language tutor (Volunteer) 2 years, Monash University Melbourne

Previous Events


Hello! My name is Syahirah Margaret Wiropuspito, but my nickname is Syah.
I'm from Melbourne, on the south-east coast of Australia. While I was born and raised in Australia, I am also half Indonesian.
I began learning Korean around 12 years old, and as I began to love the culture and the language, I decided to continue studying into university. In university, I began to gain an interest in translation/interpretation and international relations, so I decided apply to the JET Programme as a CIR would be a great opportunity after graduation. Niseko is a very beautiful and global town, so I'm sure this will be an enriching experience!

Where I 'm From

My hometown is Melbourne in the state of Victoria, the second biggest city in Australia after Sydney with a population of around 5 million. Melbourne is known for being one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world, with large communities of immigrants from count as Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Vietnam and China. Therefore, there is always a new cuisine on every corner! Melbourne is also known for its coffee culture. Rather than big coffee chains like Starbucks, we love togo and try their house brew, as each has their own unique and delicious taste!
While Australia can get cold during the winter, an Australian is not likely to see snow falling in our lifetime, unless we travel to the mountains! Australia is a summer country, known for its beautiful beaches and coastal scenery. If you get winter weather, come visit our summer in December to February!


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니세코 쵸 동사무소
TEL :0136-44-2121
FAX :0136-44-3500