About holding the 48th All Town Softball Tournament

(Application required) Events / Events

Niseko Town, every summer as an opportunity to deepen exchanges and friendships among residents
We hold an all-town softball tournament against the local area.
This year, we will hold it for the first time in three years while taking measures against new coronavirus infectious diseases.

日時 令和4年(2022年)7月24日(日)午前8時00分から
Place Niseko Town Athletic Park Baseball Field, Multipurpose Plaza

We have already mailed the event guidelines to the managers of the teams that participated last time (the 2019).
After gathering participants in each region, by Friday, July 8th, the deadline for applying for participation in the tournament
Please submit to the person in charge below.

In addition, representatives of participating teams are requested to attend the supervisory meeting.
Date: 2022 Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 6:30 p.m.
Place Niseko Town Center 1st floor small hall

[In charge]
Niseko Town Board of Education Townspeople Learning Division Fukikoshi, Sasaki
(Niseko Town Gymnasium)
 電話 0136-44-2034

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