"Radio Kotobuki University" Broadcast Program Announcement


Everyone in Niseko Town
Kotobuki University students

Currently, due to the prevention of new coronavirus infection, Niseko Town Machiju University (elderly class)
We are suspending activities.
From this, through “Community FM Radio Niseko ~76.2MHz”
We planned a regular radio program in order to connect the circles of exchange among students.
As for the broadcast contents, I will introduce the memories and episodes of everyone at Kotobuki University, the topics of the time,
In addition to small talk, we will deliver fun topics regardless of age, so please listen to it.


The first broadcast day Saturday, August 1 from 11:00 am to 11:20 am
*After that, broadcast every Saturday at the same time (re-broadcast next Sunday at the same time)

Niseko Town Board of Education
    TEL 0136-44-2034

Inquiries regarding information on this page

ニセコ町教育委員会 総合教育課