"니세코 아토카우"아티스트 결정! The design for the "2016 Niseko Art Cow"has been decided!

니세코 쵸 동사무소 상공 관광과는 니세코 · 아토카우을 페인트 해 주시는 아티스트를 모집하고있었습니다.
응모 작품 중에서 엄선되는 심사 결과 최우수 디자인 상을 결정 했으므로 알려드립니다.
페인트가 완성 된 카우는 7 월 중순부터 1 주일 니세코 쵸 동사무소 현관에 장식 다음은 원 니세코 리조트 타우 워즈에 장식 할 예정입니다.
꼭 페인트가 완성 된 카우을 보러 외출 해주세요.

최우수 디자인 상
테마 : The Color of Niseko
아티스트 : 타카 테츠야
디자인 : design
The design for the "2016 Niseko Art Cow"has been decided!
Niseko Town Council Tourism and Industry Division was searching for a artist to repaint the towns cow from last years cow parade.
We are excited to announce that a design has been selected and that we have a artist for this years cow. The attached images are
of the design that was selected, thank you to all of those who showed interest in this event. The painted cow will be on display from
mid July in the foyer at the Niseko Town Council for all interested parties to come and have a look at and will be on display at One Niseko
Resort Towers after this. Please help spread our local art by going and taking a photo and promoting it on SNS.

The cows theme is : The Color of Niseko
Artist Name : Mr Testuya Takai

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