The 5th Niseko High School Dormitory Review Specialist Committee will be held
Based on the "Niseko Town Hokkaido Niseko High School Attractiveness Review Committee, etc. Establishment Guidelines", this committee plans to consider dormitory maintenance policies, etc. in order to make Niseko High School an attractive high school chosen by students.
■Date and time: November 22nd (Wednesday) 13:00-14:45
■ Place Niseko Town Hall 3rd floor Townspeople Hall
This committee is open to the public based on the Basic Town Development Ordinance, so anyone can listen to it. If you would like to hear, please come directly to the venue on the day of the committee.
Contact Information
Niseko Town Board of Education School Education Division High School Reform Section (Niseko High School)
Person in charge: Arakawa
Address: 141-9 Fujimi, Niseko Town, Abuta-gun, 048-1501
電話:0136-44-2224 FAX:0136-43-2031
E-mail: koukou-k□ (Please replace □ with @)
■Date and time: November 22nd (Wednesday) 13:00-14:45
■ Place Niseko Town Hall 3rd floor Townspeople Hall
This committee is open to the public based on the Basic Town Development Ordinance, so anyone can listen to it. If you would like to hear, please come directly to the venue on the day of the committee.
Contact Information
Niseko Town Board of Education School Education Division High School Reform Section (Niseko High School)
Person in charge: Arakawa
Address: 141-9 Fujimi, Niseko Town, Abuta-gun, 048-1501
電話:0136-44-2224 FAX:0136-43-2031
E-mail: koukou-k□ (Please replace □ with @)
Inquiries regarding information on this page
- ニセコ町教育委員会 総合教育課学校教育係
- TEL:0136-44-2101
- FAX:0136-44-3091