About distribution of Niseko Town household budget support gift certificates
Niseko Town will distribute "Niseko Town Household Budget Support Gift Certificates" to Niseko Town to help restore consumption in the town, which has suffered due to soaring prices due to changes in the world situation, and to support the lives of the townspeople.
Gift certificates will be sent via Yu-Pack to the head of household.
Shipping will begin on December 5th (Tuesday) and is expected to take approximately two weeks to complete distribution to all households.
Gift certificates will be sent via Yu-Pack to the head of household.
Shipping will begin on December 5th (Tuesday) and is expected to take approximately two weeks to complete distribution to all households.
・All residents registered in Niseko Town as of 2023 (including foreigners)
・For those who have received a maternal and child health handbook from Niseko Town as of 2023 15, 2020, an additional 5,000 yen will be added.
・For those who have received a maternal and child health handbook from Niseko Town as of 2023 15, 2020, an additional 5,000 yen will be added.
Distribution gift certificate
Gift certificate worth 5,000 yen per town resident
[Expiration date] December 10, 2023 (Sunday) - February 20, 2020 (Tuesday)
[Expiration date] December 10, 2023 (Sunday) - February 20, 2020 (Tuesday)
Gift certificate shop
取扱店として申請をされていない町内事業者様で、取扱ご希望の方は、ニセコ町商工会までお問い合わせください。(ニセコ町商工会 TEL0136-44-2214)
Inquiries regarding information on this page
- Commerce and Tourism Division Commerce and Tourism Section
- TEL:0136-44-2121
- FAX:0136-44-3500