【9.30まで!】北海道「お米・牛乳 子育て応援事業」


In Hokkaido, in order to reduce the burden on child-rearing households, which are affected by soaring food prices, and to expand consumption of Hokkaido products,Households in Hokkaido with children born between April 2, 2005 and September 30 2023 2023We are pleased to inform you that we have started a business to deliver gift certificates, etc.

If you are interested, you will need to apply, so please apply by yourself from the link below.
(Application period: 2023 10, 2020 (Wednesday) to September 30 (Saturday))

Click here for application and details (Hokkaido "Rice/Milk Child-rearing Support Project" page)

Inquiries regarding information on this page

Children's Future Division