Healthcare costs for children

Niseko Town provides healthcare benefits for children who have registered as foreign residents and are 15 years of age or younger. Pre-registration is required to use this system, which has no application to households with a certain level of income. Proof of earnings is necessary for registration.


Regarding welfare

Niseko Town Council Tek. 0136-44-2121 Welfare Section, Health and Welfare Division

Medical inquiries

Niseko Town Council Tel. 0136-44-2121 Health and Medical Service Section, Health and Welfare Division

Inquiries in English

Niseko Town Council Tel. 0136-44-2121 Planning and Environment Division

이 페이지의 정보에 관한 문의

니세코 쵸 동사무소
TEL :0136-44-2121
FAX :0136-44-3500